When you’re looking to improve the performance of your strategies, develop a competitive edge, manage risk or develop new business, Mercatus Energy can provide you with relevant expertise and experience as well as a unique perspective. The clients below have called on us to help them solve some of their greatest challenges and opportunities in the energy commodity markets.

An aggregate producing company needed to be able to properly manage their energy and fuel costs. We helped them develop and implement a successful diesel fuel and natural gas supply and hedging program which continues to perform well in various market environments.

An asset management firm engaged us to work with one of their portfolio companies, an independent oil and gas producer, to develop, implement and manage a commodity hedging program and to optimize their commodity marketing strategies. Our work has provided the producer, and their investor, with hedging and marketing results that meet financial and operational goals.

The energy division of an agriculture cooperative engaged us to help them develop a diesel fuel and propane hedging program for both their internal and external customers. Our partnership positioned them to provide energy price risk management products to their customers as well as a new stream of revenue.

A building materials company needed to obtain a clear understanding of their energy costs and to develop a program that would allow them to properly hedge and forecast their energy expenses. We helped them develop, implement and manage successful coal, diesel fuel, electricity, fuel oil, natural gas supply and petroleum coke price risk management strategies.

A company which develops commodity trading and risk management applications engaged us to provide oil and gas trading and risk management subject matter expertise during the development of their ETRM (energy trading and risk management) module. Our worked helped them develop a modern ETRM platform which has proven to be a success with their customers.

A global chemical company required a third-party to determine if and how they could mitigate their exposure to natural gas liquids, olefins and petrochemical prices. We worked with them to develop and implement a unique commodity price risk management program which ensures that their commodity price exposures and profit margins are more predictable.

An FCM engaged us to help them develop new business in markets where they had no existing presence. Our work provided them with extensive new business in multiple countries across the world.

A coffee company needed to to develop a fuel hedging program to manage their exposure to gasoline and diesel fuel prices. We worked with them to develop unique fuel procurement and hedging strategies which provide the company with predictable fuel costs.

A commercial airline engaged us to advise on various aspects of its fuel supply and price risk management policy, procedures and strategies. We partnered with their finance, procurement and treasury teams to develop and implement  global fuel supply and hedging programs which have proven to be successful and sustainable.

A commercial bank with a growing portfolio of energy clients engaged us to analyze their clients’ commodity price risks and hedging positions as well as to help them structure and present potential hedging strategies to their clients. Our work has allowed the bank to significantly expand their lending portfolio and to generate additional value and revenue by providing their clients with commodity hedging solutions.

A commodity trading company engaged us to help them develop an energy price risk management policy as well as accompanying analysis, policies, procedures and strategies. The result of our engagement is an energy hedging program which ensures that their cash flows and profit margins are less volatile and more predictable.

An electric utility company engaged us to conduct an in-depth review of the company's natural gas hedging and trading activities. Our review and subsequent work helped the company modify their hedging and trading strategies to ensure that they would be able to meet their objectives.

An energy marketing company engaged us to develop, implement and manage their natural gas liquids and refined product hedging, shipping and supply strategies. Our work ensures that their hedging, shipping and supply activities are properly managed so that they can focus on other, core aspects of their business.

A family office was considering potential investments in several electricity and natural gas marketing companies. Our work helped them evaluate the potential opportunities, risks and rewards across the various investments.

A financial institution engaged us to help them determine the feasibility of developing an energy derivative marketing group. Subsequently, we worked with them to develop a go-to-market strategy for the group, which has developed into a very successful line of business.

A food and beverage distributor needed to be able to better manage their fleet's fuel costs. We worked with them to develop an innovative fuel hedging program which ensures that their fuel costs are well managed.

A fuel trading company required outside expertise in various areas – counterparty relationship management, logistics and transportation and price risk management - as they began to expand their business. Our work has helped them develop from a domestic bunker fuel trading company into an global business trading diesel fuel, fuel oil, gasoil, gasoline and LPG/NGLs across numerous regions.

An independent power producer engaged us to assist them in the development and implementation of a fuel supply and hedging program. The result of our engagement are fuel supply and hedging strategies which ensure that their cash flows are more predictable and profit margins less volatile.

An insurance company engaged us to serve as subject matter experts in a complex arbitration case regarding energy hedging, trading and supply. Our work provided the company and their legal counsel with the expertise they required to obtain a favorable outcome.

A company who imports LNG from several regions across the world needed to identity and analyze the potential supply and price risk management strategies available to them and to quantify potential restructuring options regarding their existing supply and hedging agreements. Our work helped them to fully understand their options, which we helped them utilize during negotiations with suppliers and counterparties.

An LPG marketing company engaged us to help them to develop a sustainable propane hedging program which would provide more consistent and superior results than their existing strategies. Our work with the company has produced a framework and strategies which ensure that the company consistently meets its propane hedging goals.

A law firm required energy trading and risk management subject matter experts in a complex litigation case involving their client, an energy marketing company. Our expertise helped the firm provide their client with a very successful settlement.

A low-cost airline needed to develop a fuel risk management policy which catered to their business model and cost structure. We worked with them to develop a fuel hedging strategy which has proven to be very successful.

We partnered with the firm to facilitate the development of crude oil and refined product hedging strategies for their client, a global, refining and marketing company.

A growing mining company needed to better understand and manage their energy costs. We helped them develop and implement successful diesel fuel and natural gas supply and price risk management strategies.

A national airline engaged us to conduct an in-depth review of their jet fuel hedging program. We helped the company modify their hedging policy, procedures and strategies to ensure that their hedging activities would allow them to meet their goals in various fuel price environments.

A national oil company needed to obtain an accurate understanding of their commodity price risks and to develop strategies to mitigate said risks. We helped them develop and implement a comprehensive, global program to hedge their crude oil and refined products price risk.

An NGO engaged us to determine how they could better manage the organization’s exposure to volatile fuel prices. The solutions we provided ensure that they can accurately budget and manage their fuel costs.

An independent exploration and production company required hedging and marketing expertise that they did not have in-house. We serve as their outsourced hedging and marketing group, providing them with the hedging and marketing experience to meet their unique commercial goals.

A global oil trading firm was looking to expand beyond their core business to generate additional revenue and expand their client base. We helped them develop and implement innovative strategies which allow them to generate new business and additional revenue.

An over-the-counter (OTC) commodity brokerage firm engaged us to help expand their business in new products and regions.  Our work has provided the firm with significant new business in several new markets and regions.

A global petrochemical company needed to determine if and how they could hedge their exposure to natural gas liquids prices. We worked with them to improve their NGL procurement strategies and to develop and implement a comprehensive butane, propane and ethane hedging program which ensures that their feedstock costs are more predictable and profit margins less volatile.

A petroleum marketing company engaged us to help them develop the ability to offer commodity price risk management solutions to their customers. The solutions have been very well received by their customers and have resulted in increased profit margins and the ability to differentiate themselves from their competition.

We partnered with the company's board of directors to develop the company’s bunker fuel and marine gasoil supply and price risk management program. We continue to provide ongoing commercial and quantitative support for the company’s supply and hedging activities.

A PE firm was considering investing in numerous midstream and downstream crude oil, natural gas and NGL businesses. Our work helped them evaluate the potential opportunities, risks and rewards across the various businesses.

A propane marketer engaged us to help them improve their supply and hedging strategies, which were not producing the desired results. We helped them create and implement hedging strategies which mitigate their exposure to volatile propane prices as well as an innovative supply strategy which ensures they physical supply costs are the most economical in their region.

A public transit agency engaged us to help them improve their fuel hedging policy, processes and strategies. The agency’s updated fuel hedging program allows them to manage their fuel price risk while ensuring that their fuel costs are in line with or better than their budget forecasts.


A company which develops and manages renewable energy assets needed subject matter experts to help them structure and manage complex hedging, marketing and supply strategies in the power and gas markets. The strategies we helped them develop, implement and manage have proven to be successful and well received by their investors and lenders.

A shipping company engaged us to help them improve their bunker fuel and marine gasoil  procurement and hedging strategies. Our work with them has significantly reduced their exposure to volatile fuel prices and improved their cash flow and profit margins.

A firm which develops niche energy trading platforms engaged us to lead their business development activities in several markets. Our partnership has led to the growth in several new regions and verticals.